HMI Panel Applications

Whether it is industrial automation, building or KNX-based solutions, for years HMI panels have been limited and uniform. If you were going to do Modbus - profibus applications, you had to use HMI panels sold by industrial automation companies, HMI panels of KNX companies for KNX application, HMI panels of building automation companies for Bacnet. Another limitation is that there are limitations of resolution, icon related to graphics applications. For example, in KNX HMI panels, it is almost impossible to use the background you want, the icons you want, and put the floor plans. With the power of Logic Machine, we completely eliminate the problems of all HMI panels in the world and bring a brand new experience to the industry that is unique, eliminating the limits of your imagination and application.

Some points where we differ:
• Single HMI Panel for Modbus Bacnet, Knx, Branch, Dmx512 M-Bus, And Tens of Protocols
• The Elimination of All Limits in Graphics with Unlimited Graphics, Png, Gif, Jpg Applications.
• Changing the Contents of All Panels from the Web Interface and Remotely, Providing Remote Service Thanks to the Web-Based Engine.
• A Scada Power At The Same Time With Time Program, Trend, Logic Programming, Gateway Features
• Alarm and Warning with 4 Different Sounds and Different Sound Applications for Different Alarm and Warning.
• Regular Network Monitoring and Information on Network Failures
• nergy Management with Screensaver Feature Depending on the Minute or Working Hours, Extending the Panel Life and Do Not Disturb the Eyes Feature in Space with Black Screensaver Display
• Meeting Room Information Interface Possibility with Microsoft Exchange Integration